The Alpha Legion
What is the ‘Alpha Legion’?
The Alpha Legion Program is a Competitive Fitness/Exercise Event for Adults. This program is a gauntlet of 12 exercises performed as a workout for time. The challenge is to complete this workout in the most as fast as possible. .
WHO can take part in the ‘Alpha Legion’?
ANY adult can sign up at our facility and take part in the Alpha Legion as either a monthly member or purchase a “per visit” punch card.
How is the ‘Alpha Legion’ competitive for adults?
Participants will register for the “Alpha Legion Competition Test Day” which takes place every four weeks. On test days our Alpha training facility is set up like a huge event with all 12 exercise is laid out. (All Legion Testing takes place on Saturdays).
Which exercises make up the “Alpha Legion”?
KB Swing
Med Ball Slam
Sled + Rope Pull/Push
Versa Climber
TRX Inverted Row
Heavy Jump Rope
Med Ball Overhead Sit Up
Core Board + Glider Knees to chest
Sand Bag Clean
Assault Treadmill Run
T-Bell Sumo Squat
How do you TRAIN for the Alpha Legion??
Participants will train for Alpha Legion at our Alpha human performance training facility in Grand Rapids. Training takes place in the form of one of our cross training days on Tuesday Thursday or Saturday. On these days we will train at a tempo and pace similar to the Alpha Legion.
How do I sign up, train and compete in the Alpha Legion?
1) Sign up for either monthly membership or purchase punch card pass for Alpha
2) Train for 4 weeks during our Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday Alpha Cross Training Class.
3) Attend and compete in the Alpha Testing Event at the end of the 4 weeks