The Program:
Our goal at Alpha Human Performance is to build mental toughness as well as physical prowess. Our mission is to help foster personal development in sport and life. Alpha’s goal is to bring out each persons “Inner Alpha” to become elevated high achievers through GRIT, Focus, and Motivation in all levels of your life. We want to bring out your “Inner Alpha” by aiding you to create a Performance Mindset as you work through our programs.
We believe that each “Inner Alpha” is built on Four Pillars:
At Alpha we believe that a persons growth is tied to their ambition and willingness to be successful based on the where they are in life and what they want achieve. Alpha Human Performance wants to bring out the best in each person by helping them to develop into “their best self”.
The goal of Alpha Human Performance Training is to empower every client to become hard working, disciplined, focused and competitive. The key is finding each person’s “Inner Alpha”.
Mindset drives your day to day actions, and ultimately how you will respond during performance, training and how you see the world around you. Many things go into a performance mindset, and it is a critical piece of getting the best out of yourself each day and in each performance.
Training is preparing for the rigors of sport and life through physical and mental preparation. Our Training encompases working with strength and movement skills, along with ESD to build a physical foundation for performance. It also includes preparing mentally with the right mindset and mental focus in the task at hand and working to create the best outcome towards success.
Sport and daily life are governed by “rules of the game” where performance is king. Performance is where we take the rigors of training and put them into practice in sport and life.
Performance is important because it is the barometer that humans use to gauge training progress and where they can attempt to be their absolute best.
We help draw a direct correlation between what goes on in training and how it influences performance in competitive play and daily life.
Performance must be followed and enhanced by great recovery. Recovery in the form of both physical recovery through modalities and mental recovery through mindfulness and concentration. The more efficient recovery is, the more efficient we perform.
Recovery is key to being able to produce optimum performance and regenerate following workouts and performances.
It will be implemented through the use of our recovery lounge and mobility classes
Types of Membership we offer
Our “Next Level” (High School Athletes) Group training puts athletes in a competitive yet team environment where they will work with performance trainers. Click here for more info
Our ”Tactical Adult Strength” (Adult) and “Collegiate/Pro” (College & Pro Athlete) Group — also know as “CPT”—-training is for adults to work together in a setting that fosters hard work, and camaraderie as you work towards your individual & Team goals. Click here for more info
Recovery Recovery is just as important as training. Using our recovery in modalities and tools, our program helps to regenerate and recharge your physical body. Click here for more
The Members
Strength Days
“Strength Training Days” target the whole body (Monday/Wednesday/Friday). There are Four Stations and at each station, the exercises will be in a “superset” format. We focus on making sure there are movements representing the entire body on strength days. There is a Finisher which will includes a core movement and a cardio exercise at the conclusion of each Strength Day Session.
Cross Training Days
On “Cross-Training” days, there are Four Stations with each including a Strength movement, a Core movement, and a Cardio exercise, all supersets (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday). There is more of a focus on the cardiorespiratory system on this type of training day.
Speed School
Alpha has Speed School training for athletes at all levels. The Speed School incorporates different types of equipment to work on Speed, Quickness, Explosiveness, Footwork, Vision and more. For more info on ALPHA SPEED SCHOOL click here
The Programs
Tracking your Training
Alpha Human Performance uses the TRAIN HEROIC app system to track each members progress in training each sessions. This app allows ALPHA members to track their training and input data as they train in our facility.
Members can input the weights, reps, distances covered as they train. This creates a training history for each member as a personal training journal of their training loads, sets, reps, exercises and drills---all on their cell phone in our TRAIN HEROIC app.
The app also has a “pre and post training survey” available to members.
* Pre Workout Readiness Survey: A 30-second pre-workout survey to gauge your Sleep, Quality, Mood, Energy Level, Stress Level and Soreness.
* Post Training Survey: A 30-second post-workout reflection to gauge Workout Intensity and a place to input any optional notes from the workout session.