Training Technology
Train Heroic
At Alpha we use TrainHeroic’s supercharged program design tools to bring your programs to life. We design and organize training programs for our clients that can be logged and tracked during training sessions.
This tracking builds a unique training history for each of our clients over time, and is done through the simplicity of a mobile app.
The perfect tool for delivering programming to groups or individual athletes in our facility or direct to your mobile devices anywhere in the world (Alpha also offers off site remote training!)
Push Monitors utilize real-time velocity based training data to motivate athletes and form a complete picture of their performance.
Monitors create “velocity based training” where the movement speed of the bar is measured and factored into performance training. It’s perfect for answering the question of “how” the weight is moved beyond just “how much” weight is moved.
Recover Faster. Train Smarter. Sleep Better
Every heartbeat and every hour counts. By wearing WHOOP 24/7, you’ll get feedback on every moment of the day, whether you’re exercising, resting, or going about your daily life.
Your strain will reveal how your body is responding to things like stress, travel, and work, so you can make smarter decisions when it comes to recovery.