How nutrition fits into the Alpha Pillar of Recovery: Recovery + Nutrition

From Kara Mockler, our Alpha Registered Dietitian

Are you using nutrition to help your recovery after an intense training session? As soon as you can after a workout, consume enough protein, carbs, and fluids to kickstart the recovery process. Protein will start rebuilding the muscles you just used to be stronger than before.

Carbohydrates will replenish the glycogen stores you just burned through so that you're ready for the next bout of training. Fluids are needed to rehydrate you after sweating hard; dehydration of just 2% body weight can decrease performance!

A perfect combo to get all three (protein, carbs and fat) - chocolate milk! Other options for post-workout include a piece of fruit + Greek yogurt + water, tortilla + eggs (breakfast burrito) + water, or baked potato + grilled chicken + water.

Mix and match, refuel and recover!

Kara Mockler is a registered dietitian and certified strength and conditioning specialist, having graduated from Michigan State University with her bachelor’s and master’s in nutrition and dietetics. If you want to tailor your nutrition to your training schedule, reach out to Kara at KM Nutrition & Performance (


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