Channel your “Inner Alpha” everyday for better daily performance

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I was reading the book “Relentless” by Tim Grover and came across an interesting thing that he had written. Grover is famous for being the sports performance trainer for professional athletes such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and so many other world class athletes. He is one of the top trainers on the planet, and refers to his role not as a sports performance trainer in the traditional sense, but more so as an “athletic architect”.

His physical work with athletes is unmatched in terms of the results that he gets, but his role in shaping their competitive mindset is legendary.

In his book “Relentless” he wrote: “Everyday you have to do something that you don’t want to do. EVERYDAY.” How true this is. Each and everyday we have a tasks, assignments, responsibilities, etc on our agenda. And invariably there will be something that you don’t want to do. Whether it is having a difficult conversation, reply to an awkward email, go for our daily run, take the dog for a walk in the rain—-something. Everyday there is something that you don’t want to do. To get over these “Ugh!” moments of not wanting to do that THING, rely on your “Inner Alpha”.

I do believe there is an Inner Alpha inside of us. It may be dormant, unused, or “on pause”, but we all have that Inner Alpha. It’s at our core, the true nature of ourselves that calls forth our will to do difficult tasks, to persevere, and to find a way where there is no way. Some people call it our “will power”, I refer to it as our Inner Alpha.

When you are called on daily to do “the thing that you don’t want to do”, channel your Inner Alpha. Channel your Inner Alpha to have that difficult conversation, reply to that awkward email, go for that daily run, and go get wet on that dog walk. The more you use your Inner Alpha, the stronger it gets over time. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger and stronger from resistance training.

Channel your Inner Alpha everday for better daily performance. It’s there, so use it!


Set your Goals DAILY!!


Why TRAINING is different than WORKING OUT